PDF Title: | The Graveyard |
Book File Type: | PDF Download / Read Online |
PDF Author: | Neil Gaiman |
Publication Date: | September 30, 2008 |
Genre: | Children’s literature |
Audiobook : | Yes |
PDF Language: | English |
Adaptation: | No |
After losing his family to the hands of a mysterious murder, a young boy is raised by spirits in a graveyard. He ironically learns many lessons about life and learns to survive without being discovered by others at the graveyard. With his family’s murder still searching after him, the graveyard becomes the young lad’s home.
The Graveyard Book PDF Plot
As the story unfolds, a young 18th-month-old baby loses his family. They’ve lost their lives to murder and now, a young baby is orphaned. Luckily the baby is able to escape through a door left open and walked haphazardly into a nearby graveyard. Their young baby finds a new family, in the souls of a couple long buried in the graveyard. The spirits Mr. and Mrs. Owens begin to look after him and take him in as their son. As his new parents, they give him the name Nobody Owens. Young Owens is brought up with all the knowledge there is about the afterlife. However, it is still not safe for Owens to leave the graveyard because of his family’s murderer, is still yet to be found.
Young Owens is now a toddler and a little girl begins to visit the graveyard. The young girl name is Scarlett and befriends Nobody. The two children begin playing together and young Owens takes Scarlett into a very old tomb. There they meet a spirit who tries to scare them away, the spirits efforts succeed in scaring Scarlett but not Nobody. In the time Scarlett spends in the tomb, her parents grow very worried as they believe she has gone missing. Scarlett’s parents eventually find her, but a short time after the family moves away to Scotland.
Bod’s guardian spirit Silas is going away, and he learns that he will now be looked after by Ms.Lupescu. Bod is short for Nobody is not fond of Ms. Lupescu. She forces Bod to eat strange food and also is teaching him about things he has no interest in. One day Bod is almost kidnapped by a couple ghouls, where a large grey dog rescues him. He later learns that the dog is, in fact, Ms. Lupescu. It was at that moment Bod decided to be more respectful and attentive to Ms.Lupescu.
Years later, young Owens decides that he should go to school where he can learn to interact with the living. Silas has returned and is now Bod’s guardian spirit once again. He agrees with the decision and Bod attends school. Bod, however, has an altercation with some school bullies which gets him arrested. Bod and Silas then agree that going to school wasn’t the best choice for him. Scarlett’s parents, unfortunately, go through a divorce, which causes her to move back to her old town.
Scarlett once again visits the graveyard, where she meets Mr. Frost a friendly man. On a later day, Scarlett once again returns to the graveyard, where she reconnects with young Owens. Following their reconnection Scarlett, begins looking into the Bod’s family murder. After she uncovers the truth of the events, Bod learns that the murderer is the very same Mr. Frost.
After this discovery, Bod does away with Mr. Frost in the graveyard along with Mr. Frost’s helpers. Scarlett is shocked at Bod’s actions, Scarlett no longer returns to the graveyard. Shortly after this, Bod begins losing his ability to see things in the graveyard, which he has always seen. Is young Owens being punished by the spirits for actions?
“If you dare nothing, then when the day is over, nothing is all you will have gained.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
“You’re brave. You are the bravest person I know, and you are my friend. I don’t care if you are imaginary.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
“If you dare nothing,
then when the day is over,
nothing is all you will have gained.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
“I’ll find you. Don’t worry. Just be on your own and I’ll find you.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
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