
Book Title: | The Heart of Darkness |
Book File Type: | PDF Download / Read Online |
PDF Author: | Joseph Conrad |
Audiobook : | Yes |
PDF Language: | English |
Movie Release Date: | February 1899 |
Genre: | Fiction |
Movie: | Maybe |
Release: | 2016 |
More info on the possible film adaptation here.
Heart of Darkness Book PDF Summary
The Heart of Darkness published by novelist Joseph Conrad, is a true story, published in three parts in the Blackwood’s Magazine. In 1998, the Heart of Darkness was ranked sixty-seventh, of the hundred best novels in English of the twentieth century. It paints a picture of the life of African blacks living along the Congo River in Central Africa, under some hard and gloomy conditions. Look into the history concerning the height of darkness during the European imperialism period. The incredible sounds, sights, and smells of the times are captured in this heart-wrenching experience of “Charles Marlow”, the main character. His passion for sailing and experiencing Africa led him on a journey he would remember for life.
We get a look into the history concerning the height of darkness during the European imperialism period. The incredible sounds, sights, and smells of the times are captured in this heart-wrenching experience of “Charles Marlow”, the main character. His passion for sailing and experiencing Africa led him on a journey he would remember for life.
During his trip, he witnessed racism and the inhumane reality of the Africans under their natural leadership. This book has been translated into many other languages, each intriguing the hearts of many to glance further into his experience and learn from the history that is so descriptively painted on every page. His story will take you through ‘valleys and mountains’ encountered on his journey.
Heart of Darkness Quotes
“We live as we dream–alone….”
― Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
“Your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others.”
― Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
“The mind of man is capable of anything.”
― Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
“Like a running blaze on a plain, like a flash of lightning in the clouds. We live in the flicker.”
― Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Download link to The Heart of Darkness [PDF] written by Joseph Conrad.
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