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Publication Date: 1996
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Genre: Biography/True
Pages‎: ‎224
ISBN: 0-679-42850-X
Movie Adaptation: Yes
Movie Release Date: September 21, 2007

Movie Book to Movie Cast Into the Wild

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Into the Wild – From Book to Movie

Into the Wild is written based on an article written by Christopher McCandless, “Death of an Innocent,” the film adaptation of the Nation Bestseller was later released in 2007, part of the cast is available above.

Mr. McCandless was raised in Annandale, Virginia and was an exceptionally gifted student. Needless to say, he graduated Emory University with excellent grades, but he gave away his college fund and broke off all communication with his family.


On April 28th, 1992, he began a journey through the Stampede Trail in Alaska, armed with only a .22 cal rifle, rounds, and a few other basics plus a guide to edible food in the area. McCandless survived for over 100 days (119 to be exact) but soon succumbed to the pangs of starvation. His backpack was found to contain a wallet, $300, library cards and his social security card. To find out how exactly he died to get the book from below.

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