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PDF Title: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Jesse Andrews
Publication Date: 2012
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
ISBN 9781419705328
Genre: Novel
Movie: Yes
Movie Release Date: 12 June 2015
Name: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

From IMDB cast list

Me and Earl and The Dying Girl Summary

Greg, a senior at Benson High School, is considered a social misfit. His best friend, Earl is a fellow student and resides with a broken family. Greg and Earl both enjoy filmmaking and spend most of their time venturing in various film oriented projects – though they keep their work private from fear of ridicule.

A bit later in the book, Greg’s mother revealed his female childhood friend, Rachel Kushner (the Dying Girl) is diagnosed with Leukemia and she strongly encourages him to rekindle their friendship. After a very awkward conversation with Rachel, Greg is ready to give up but is once again pushed by his mother. Eventually, they end up spending quality time with each other.


Meanwhile, at school Greg has trouble deciding what career path he wants to take also he is falling behind in school. He asked Rachel what she thought, and she suggested he go to film school. He is also persuaded by a long time crush/friend to do a movie for Rachel since her time with us is not indefinite. Greg and Earl compiled some ideas and produced the result entitled, ‘Rachel the film’! It is a mashup of all the different things they tried out. To Greg’s horror, the film got leaked at school during the assembly. Obviously, upset Greg then scratches all of the DVDs produced and stops going to school; Earl also does the same with his copies.

Unfortunately only a few days after the screening, Rachel dies. Greg and Earl still must decide if they will indeed attend film school or college. Earl decides that he would not let Rachel’s death change his plans for the future. What will Greg do?

In the epilog, Greg reveals that he wrote the book as an explanation to his prospective college, the University of Pittsburgh, about why he fell back on schoolwork during his last school year. After his conversation with Earl, he had decided to retire from filmmaking, but on writing down his experience, decides that he shouldn’t. Greg realizes that he was always unhappy because he was trying to be someone he wasn’t, but was content when he was just himself. He makes up his mind to apply to film school within the next six months. The book ends with him wondering if he should put Rachel in his next movie. From Wikipedia.

Download is available via purchase from Amazon for Me & Earl & the Dying Girl. [PDF] version is not yet available for Kindle. But Hardcover, Paperback and also Audiobooks are available.

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Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

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