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Publication Date: October 16, 1847

PDF Author: Charlotte Brontë
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Genre: Gothic fiction
Movie: Yes

Release: March 11, 2011 (USA)


We are introduced to Jane Eyre, a poor orphan who lives with an aunt who resents her – and obviously favors her own children over Jane. Jane is sent to a charity school where through harsh, stern treatment and pressure Jane adopts the necessary resilience to become successful. Later becoming a teacher there herself. She later interviews for the position of governess at Thornfield Hall where she meets the mysterious Mr. Rochester.

He is attracted to her honesty and intellect but not as much her looks. He soon proposes to her. As their love increases, her independence and principles are tested to the limits, and the secrets of Mr. Rochester’s past is revealed some even on the very altar of which they married!

This Charlotte Bronte’s novel discusses the love between Jane Eyre and a wealthy and brilliantly popular, Rochester. Every since its 1847 publication, Jane Eyre enthralled all types of readers, from the critics to the romantics at heart. It still lives on as one of the greatest triumphs of storytelling and is still able to move hearts today.

Jane Eyre success is due to its first publication; due to its high emotional appeal.

Download link for Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte [PDF] below. Paperback, Kindle and Hardcover versions available. The Kindle download is free so enjoy!

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Jane Eyre ebook

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