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PDF Title: Winters Tale
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Mark Helprin
Publication Date: September 20, 1983
Genre: Novel, Fantasy Fiction
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Adaptation: Yes
Movie Release Date: 11 February 2014

Winters Tale Book PDF Summary

The Winter’s Tale by Mark Helprin is an almost 800 page, magical realism novel [PDF]. The book is themed with the power of love and takes place in the winter of New York City. Peter Lake was an orphan and a great mechanic but also a thief. The book spends quite a bit of time on his backstory whether it was sufficient or not is for you to decide.

On a cold winter night, he decides to rob a massive mansion on Upper West side. He presumed the house was empty but comes face to face with the daughter of the house. Strangely enough, the two fell in love, but  Beverly Penn is gravely ill.


Due to this terminal illness, tuberculosis, Beverly dies. Petter was madly in love with her and sought out ways to stop time and bring back the dead. To further complicate matters, Peter is being chased by a Gang called the Short Tales who happens to a demon serving the devil. But with help from a flying white horse, Peter can complete his purpose. But will that destiny include his beloved Beverly or does she go forever? The trailer does an excellent job of summarizing the novel also so check it out!

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Winter Tale Movie Trailer

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