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Book File Type:Sweet Tooth PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Jeff Lemire
Publication Date: September 2009 – August 2021
Genre: Comic
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Audiobook: No
Adaptation: Netflix – Sweet Tooth
Series Release Date: 4 June 2021

Sweet Tooth Intro

On June 4th, 2021, Netflix premiered an eight-episode series already warmly received by viewers called Sweet Tooth. The series is a post-apocalyptic fantasy drama that follows an intriguing premise. The world within the Sweeth tooth universe experienced a pandemic called The Great Crumble that devastated humanity. This event probably sounds highly relatable as our world is currently battling the pandemic of Covid-19. During The Great Crumble, the H5G9 virus spread across the globe claiming the lives of millions. Also, from that point on, babies were born genetically mutated, part human, part animal.

It is not clear if the mutation happened as an effect of the virus or not. Despite the cause, groups such as Last Men fear the existence of the hybrids and hunt them like animals. A decade pasts and the series begins to follow the life of our adorable main character Gus. Gus is a young nine-year-old boy that is half human and half deer. If you have seen the poster on Netflix, he is the one with the antlers. Gus(played by Christian Convery) lives peacefully in a remote forest in Nebraska with his father. Unfortunately, one day Gus’s father dies and leaves the young deer boy with a void in his heart. Gus then begins aimlessly walking around the forest where he meets a stranger. Gus quickly becomes friends with the wandering Jepperd, and this becomes the start of an epic quest to find Gus a new home. Sweet Tooth(2021) is an adaption from DC comic Sweet Tooth(2009) written and produced by Jeff Lemire. Nonso Anozie plays Jepperd and gives a fantastic portrayal of the badass from the comic. A fun trivia fact is that the author has said that The Punisher was the inspiration for Jepperd.


Sweet Tooth Plot

The comic begins following Gus, a young boy that is a hybrid between human and deer. Gus lives in Nebraska with his father. The pair lives remotely in a forest cabin where Gus’ father raises him in a religious-centered manner. Gus’ father always told him that there was nothing beyond the trees except death and fire. One day Gus sees with his own eyes that this is not true. There is land as far as he could see, and he craved to explore it. Gus’ father later becomes gravely ill and eventually succumbs to the illness. Gus is filled with grief and left with no one to protect him. People from the Last Men(a movement that hunts the mutated humans) notice Gus aimlessly wandering the forest and make him a target. Jepperd, a metaphorical lone wolf, intervenes and kills Gus’ hunters. Jepperd then promises to take Gus to a place that he will be safe. Gus does not have many options and chooses to accompany Jepperd.

Sadly, after Jepperd carries Gus to the promised sanctuary, the reader realizes that it is a scientific research building. The facility is run by Abbott, along with a crazed scientist Dr. Singh. The duo uses the facility to experiment on mutated children to prove their belief that the mutated children were responsible for The Great Crumble. The comics then reveal the origin story of Jepperd. Jeppard was a burly jock who married the love of his life Louise. Jepperd fears that he will be unable to protect his pregnant wife in the new chaotic world caused by The Great Crumble. When Abbott and his followers appear and promise to keep Louise safe, Jepperd leaps at the opportunity. The cruel fact of the matter is Abbott’s offer was merely a charade. Abbott and Dr.Singh only wanted pregnant women and mutated children as test subjects to find a cure for the rampaging virus. When Jeppard learns of his wife’s death, he wreaks havoc in the laboratory. However, Abbott eventually detains Jepperd and promises that he will return,to Jepperd the bones of his beloved if he brings him a mutated child.


“As much as the father tried to keep the dangers of the world out, the outside world had a way of sneaking in.”
― Netflix, Sweet Tooth

“The boy broke his father’s rules slowly, and then all at once.”
― Netflix, Sweet Tooth

“Last men have made it their mission to eliminate hybrids. We have made it our mission to protect them.”
― Netflix, Sweet Tooth

“Sometimes our families end up looking nothing like we thought they would.”
― Netflix, Sweet Tooth

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Sweet Tooth by Jeff Lemire

Sweet Tooth

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