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PDF Title: The House of Tomorrow
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Peter Bognanni
Publication Date: December 17th 2009
Genre: Fiction
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Adaptation: Yes
Movie Release Dates: 8 April 2017


A young orphaned boy grows up under the roof of the world’s most futuristic home, alone with his grandmother. His grandmother homeschooled him, on the teachings of a famous architect. He lives secluded in the dome, with no interaction with the outside world. This is until his grandmother suffers a stroke, while a family visits the dome. He is then thrust into the real world for the first time, as his life takes a new turn.


The House of Tomorrow Book PDF Plot

A young 5-year-old, orphaned Sebastian Prendergast, moves into with his grandmother, Josephine’s. Josephine began to homeschool him in their Iowa home, from this early age. She taught Sebastian, all about the teachings of the great American architect and inventor Buckminster Fuller. Learning at the hand of his grandmother is how he spent the 11 years of his life. He never ventured far outside of the dome and was also raised to believe he would play a role in Fuller’s great vision. Sebastian also had very little interaction with others. Apart from his grandmother, he only knew those at the local stores he visited and visitors to the dome.

This was the nature of Sebastian’s life until Josephine suffered a stroke while conducting a tour of the dome. The geodesic dome was the only one within the state, and it was advertised on local billboards as a tourist attraction. The admission fee also provided just enough funds for them to get by. Josephine, fortunately, survives the ordeal but needs time to recover, but is unable to look after Sebastian.

Sebastian is then taken in by the Whitcomb family. The very same tourist family which visited that day. Janice is a newly separated mother of two children, Meredith and Jared. Her 16-year-old son Jared, has recently had a heart transplant and is recovering from the surgery. Janice’s former husband, departed after Jared’s transplant which left their family in a state of slight dysfunction. Sebastian goes through the process of integrating himself into the family. This is where Sebastian’s innocence is revealed as he knows very little about the world’s normal customs. Also learning to deal with Jared’s older sister Meredith. She is a loose Catholic school girl and also the perfect example of an annoying older sibling.

Jared comes to decide that he and Sebastian should start a punk rock band together. The duo entitles the group The Rash, which had its debut concert at a local church’s talent show. The book continues to center around the growing relationship between the 16-year-old boys. Also showcasing the coming of age of Sebastian. As he tries to find a balance in forming a normal life and also being groomed to be a leader in innovation.

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