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PDF Title: The Innocent
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Harlan Coben
Publication Date: 2005
Genre: Thriller, Mystery
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Adaptation: Yes – The Innocent
Series Release Date: 30 April 2021


On April 30th, 2021, Netflix released a new hit Spanish thriller series called The Innocent or El Inocente for the Spanish audience. The show has received great praise for its immersing storyline filled with exciting plot twists that continually keep audiences guessing. The brilliant writing that went into The Innocent came not solely from the minds of a talented director and screenplay writers but also from a book. The Innocent(2021) is an adaptation of Harlan Coben’s sixth book, The Innocent(2005). Mr.Coben has mesmerized mystery and thriller readers for years with investigative stories that you never know the ending of until you get there. Director Orio Paulo must also receive credit for the success of the series. The brilliant choice to shoot the show in Catalan, Barcelona, accompanied by a great selection in the cast, truly adds a feeling of authentic Spanish culture to the show. Leading Spanish award-winning actor Mario Casas’s performance as Mateo Vidal, the innocent lawyer, is fantastic. Along with stars Alexandra Jiménez as Lorena Ortiz and Aura Garrido as Olivia Costa, Mateo’s wife, future viewers will be left enthralled by the display of Spanish talent.

The Innocent Plot

There’s a saying that you may or may not have heard growing up that I would like to remind you of or share with you today. You are free to choose but, you are not free from the consequences of your choice. Regardless of if you have heard this before or not, it is a fundamental truth we all have to come to accept. Brief philosophical lecture, this should help you as a reader put yourselves into the shoes of the main character of this book Matt Hunter.


When the book begins, the author depicts Matt as an ordinary young man who grew up in New Jersey. Matt is also a college student that has gained a few friends in his time there. At this point in the book, innocent or ordinary would be an easy way to summarize Matt’s life. However, this would no longer be the case after a casual trip to the bar turns into a crime scene. While Matt is hanging out at a bar, his friend suddenly gets into a fight. Matt quickly intervenes to help his friend out, unfortunately, also accidentally killing someone in the process. Afterward, Matt is convicted for the act of manslaughter and sentenced to prison. Matt spends nine behind bars before being released. Almost a decade has passed. Matts friends and collegemates have graduated college, started their careers, and some even families. Most of that time he spent becoming well acquainted with four walls.

The title of an ex-convict is not something one can sweep under the rug and hope no one remembers. It is, in fact, something Matt has to carry with him for the rest of his life. Despite his burdens, Matt manages to reach a state of normalcy once more in just five years. Matt finds a beautiful woman named Oliva, who he later marries. The loving couple also moves into Matt’s hometown, where they are expecting a child soon. Matt’s brother-in-law also provides him with a job as a paralegal, Matt, can not believe how his fortune has changed. However, it would drastically change again when Matt answers a video call from Olivia. He answers the phone call to see a man recording Olivia as she walks around a hotel room in a blonde wig.


“The brothers frowned and strolled toward him. One cracked his neck as he strutted. The other opened and closed fists. Matt felt his blood hum.”
― Harlan Coben, The Innocent

“Gee, Cingle, that’s pretty subtle.” She spread her arms. “Subtlety ended for me the day I hit puberty.”
― Harlan Coben, The Innocent

“The grease from the awful lunch buffet took to the air, becoming more a skin coating than a smell.”
― Harlan Coben, The Innocent

“The girl at the door was young. Eighteen, twenty, something like that. Nope, not a Jehovah’s Witness. Didn’t have that scooped-out-brain smile.”
― Harlan Coben, The Innocent

“When you have a child, you are never number one again. Someone is more important than you. It changes your worldview. It has to.”
― Harlan Coben, The Innocent

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The Innocent by Harlan Coben

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