Download The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling Book

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Book Title: The Jungle Book
Publication Date: 1894
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Rudyard Kipling
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Genre: Children’s literature
Movie: Yes
Release:  9 October 2015

The Jungle Book Summary

The Jungle Book is the story of a child, Mowgli, who strayed away from his village. Mowgli attacked by a tiger by the name of Shere Khan. But he is saved and adopted by wolves and raised in an Indian jungle.

Mowgli has to learn the way of the land, in this case, the jungle – culture, personalities and who he can trust. He is chosen to be a “wolf” by the other animals. The threat of Khan still hangs over him but for now, he is protected by his pack.


Bagheera, the panther tells Mowgli to go the village and get the red flower (which in human terms is fire) for his own protection. When the leader of the pack is under attack, Mowgli uses its flames to attack and threaten all involved. Eventually, he is exposed to other humans and begins to question his identity.

But he is disheartened by the greed and destructiveness displayed by those who entered the Jungle.

He can accept the other traits also apparent in the animal kingdom like stupidity and savagery, but he cannot comprehend the greediness of humans. He is challenged through many adventures, some of which he is pitted against his enemy, the tiger. These drive him to be eventually able to accept his humanity.

One day he stumbles into a village and is adopted by a woman who lost her son a few years ago. THere he is assigned the role a herder. Occasionally he receives updates about the jungle for his wolf friends.


“Now, don’t be angry after you’ve been afraid. That’s the worst kind of cowardice.”
― Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book

“The reason the beasts give among themselves is that Man is the weakest and most defenseless of all living things,”
― Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book

“The reason the beasts give among themselves is that Man is the weakest and most defenseless of all living things,”
― Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book

“To each his own fear’;”
― Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book

“madness is the most disgraceful thing that can overtake a wild creature.”
― Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book

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The Jungle Book (Collector’s Library)

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