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PDF Title: The Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices)
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Cassandra Clare
Publication Date: May 23, 2017
Genre: Young adult fiction
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Adaptation: No


The Lord of Shadows is the second book in the trilogy, known as the Dark Artifices. The books follow the dramatic and also gory events, of the first book, Lady Midnight. Though still dramatic, perhaps not as action filled, this sequel brings an element of romance into the story. The Shadowhunters of the Los Angeles Institute, face different challenges this time around. The schemes of a wicked Faerie King brings an ominous weight, but maybe is overshadowed by the dangers of forbidden love.


The Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices) Book PDF Plot

The book picks up right after the events of book one, where the great battle against Malcolm Fade had just come to a conclusion. Malcolm’s malicious reign has been ended and Emma Carstairs has at last avenged her parents. Emma’s problems are, however, far from over. Emma has fallen in love with her parabatai Julian Blackthorn. Julian is the head of the Los Angeles Institute despite his young age. He is also responsible for watching over his siblings. The parabatai relationship is based on an oath, which entails that they will be there for each other for life. The oath also comes with a price which they are both aware of – engaging in a romantic relationship will increase the power of their bond to the point where it drives them to insanity.

Emma is determined to protect Julian from the curse, and the two devise a plan to handle the situation. This plan, was, unfortunately, stopped from being enacted, due to uncontrollable events. Julian’s half-sibling mark has been set free from the Faeries after his exile. His exile stems from the fact that he is only half Shadowhunter, he is also half faerie. It is forbidden for faeries and Shadowhunters to engage in any form of relationship. This is why Mark now lives secretly with his family. Emma sets out to form a relationship with Mark as a new means of protecting Julian.

However, The Unseelie King is not silent in the land of the faeries. He is tired of this state of Cold Peace, and intends to end it and claim more power for himself. Emma, Julian, Mark, and Cristina travel to the faerie world, to protect the Shadowhunter world, the lives of their loved ones, and their own. There they plan to make a dubious bargain with the Seelie Queen. Her demands are clear! They must end the tyrannous reign of the Unseelie King. This plan, however, must go off without the assistance of the Clave, as the Cold Peace forbids contact with the faerie world. Meanwhile, a rebel group of Shadowhunters are seeking to put legislation in place, which would affect the Downworlders. The Downworlders are essentially improper Shadowhunters. Tensions rise between many groups and the battle with the Unseelie King begins. Emma is forced into taking the life of one of the henchmen sent after them by the Unseelie King. This is only but one of the many twists to occur as their search for the powerful Black book becomes a focal point for Emma and co.

“Those who cannot love do not understand it”
― Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows

“The bad things can’t matter more than the good things”
― Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows

“Sometimes the most ruthless heart speaks the most truth”
― Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows


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