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Book File Type:Two Kisses for Maddy PDF Download / Read A Memoir of Loss & Love Online
PDF Author: Matthew Logelin
Publication Date: April 14, 2011
Genre: Novel, Memoir, Biography
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Adaptation: Netflix, Fatherhood
Series Release Date: 18 June 2021


The film Fatherhood is to be released by April 2021, as a Sony Pictures’ production. Fatherhood, directed by Paul Weltz, promises to be a moving drama film for audiences who love a film revolving around themes of family or love overcoming adversity. This film also has star actors Kevin Hart as Matthew Logelin, and Alfre Woodard to bring the film to life. Fatherhood is an adaptation of the famed book/memoir Two kisses for Maddy(2011).

Two Kisses for Maddy Plot

The author Matthew Logelin becomes truly vulnerable in his memoir Two kisses to Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love. Matthew depicts the year after the birth of his daughter and the death of his wife, Liz Logelin.


When the memoir opens Matthew, describes his romance with Elizabeth Goodman that first sparked when they meet as high school seniors. After they graduated high school, the two kept a long-distance relationship while they went to college in different states. After graduating from university, Matthew moved to Los Angelos, California, to be with the love of his life, Liz.

A couple of years pass and, Matthew and Liz eventually marry and lead a life that is only comparable to a movie. The Logelins have a beautiful home, a beautiful relationship and, soon learn that they will also have a beautiful bundle of joy. Though the pregnancy was difficult for Liz, she kept fighting through it. Then after weeks of bed rest, the couple welcomed their new daughter Madeline Elizabeth Logelin. However, in just twenty-seven hours, the Logelins’ life took an unforeseen turn. Liz suffered a pulmonary embolism, which means a blockage to one of the pulmonary arteries in her lungs. Liz, unfortunately, passed away instantly, never having the opportunity to hold the daughter she fought to give birth to in her arms.

Matthew experienced whiplash from joy to devastation after the loss of his wife. Though such tragedy would break most people, Matthew didn’t fail into despair. He chooses to let his new daughter Madeline be the light in the darkness for him.


“The most dangerous place for a baby is in the hospital? I could think of several places that had to be more dangerous than a hospital: a lion’s den, Skid Row, the middle of the 110 freeway, and my not-yet-baby-proofed house.”
― Matthew Logelin, Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love

“Driving under the influence of irrepressible grief was a lot like what it must feel like to drive drunk. I was dizzy and I couldn’t see straight.”
― Matthew Logelin, Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss and Love

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Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss & Love by Matthew Logelin

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