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PDF Title: You Should See Me in a Crown
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Leah Johnson
Publication Date: June 2, 2020
Genre: Young adult fiction
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Adaptation: No

You Should See Me in a Crown Quotes

“Silence and shame aren’t the same thing—not by a longshot. But sometimes silence is simpler.”
― Leah Johnson, You Should See Me in a Crown

“I nod anyway because honestly, if I’m gonna die, I want to die having said yes to her as many times as I can.”
― Leah Johnson, You Should See Me in a Crown


“I kiss her with everything I have. Like I’ll never kiss her again. Because this is real, we finally made it to this place, and it’s better than any fairy tale. Because I’m done letting people stop me. Because here, always, we deserve this good thing.”
― Leah Johnson, You Should See Me in a Crown

“You ready?” She whispers into my ear. With you, always, I think. “As I’ll ever be,” I say.”
― Leah Johnson, You Should See Me in a Crown

You Should See Me in a Crown Plot

You should see me in a crown is a story of a girl, Liz Lighty, who has always believed she’s too weird, too black, too different, too poor to make it in her small, rich prom-obsessed town in the mid-west. Being tall, black, and different was not something exciting to be. In fact, it was what made her different. This made it more difficult for her to blend with other rich white students in her school. If it was just about being black and obviously different, Liz would have been able to cope with that, but that was not all. She was poor as well.

Having grown up in the small town of Campbell, a community where most people knew themselves. She was familiar with the neighborhood, and that made it worse. All she had was her elder brother, whom she lived with at Campbell in her grandparent’s house, and a few other friends. Though she had a few people who loved and cared for her, with the inclusion of her family, Liz still felt different.

Things took a really different turn after she was snubbed by her childhood best friend, Jordan Jennings, on their very first day at high school. Jordan has been her friend for a long time, and attending the same high school gave Liz a sense of belonging and confidence. But when Jordan chose his new football friends over her on the first day of high school, Liz felt humiliated.

She then began to wear less attractive clothes and styled her hair differently. But when she finally became a senior, she discovered she could not keep up with that. With the turn of events, Liz found out she may not be able to get out of their small town and attend Uberelite Pennington College, her dream school. Although she played clarinet in high school and engaged in extracurricular activities, that was not enough to get her the needed sponsorship to attend her dream college.

One day, Liz’s brother suggested that she should participate in the school prom as a means of getting enough money for her to attend her dream college. The winner of the event will win about $10,000. To Liz, this was the most plausible option despite that she wasn’t comfortable with acquiring social visibility. Also, she didn’t want to involve her poor grandparents in her fantasy. Of course, if she did, she would risk having them sell their house to sponsor her.

To stand a chance to win the prom, Liz needed to be popular. She had to start talking to some of the people she had been avoiding her whole life. One of them was the white Rachel, a racist. Rachel was among the privileged, popular white girls in school who was equally a front-runner for prom queen. She was someone Liz had been avoiding because she was a big racist.

Yet, Liz was not deterred by this, as the only way to get into Pennington College was contesting for prom queen. Her friends were all the way supportive, and just when it seemed their efforts were making waves, Rachel tried to ruin it.

In a bid to ruin Liz’s plans, she uploaded a poster, and a video on the school’s website, calling out Liz as queer and timid. This didn’t go down well with a lot of people. Though there weren’t any charges against her, Rachel faced social and public humiliation.

Along the line, Liz got to start talking to Jordan again, her childhood best friend who was the main reason behind her total exclusion from social life. This triggered a lot of childhood memories, their bad experiences, and they sought to make up for their differences.
Liz had it all going well; the campaigns, the visits to the prom courts, and other things until Mack tagged along. Liz bonded with the new white girl more than she had done with other schoolmates. It wasn’t surprising as they had so much in common; she was weird like Liz, and both loved the same type of music.

It looked like Liz’s plans were taking a different shape when she started finding Mack sexually attractive, and they eventually shared a kiss. It was a new experience and one they had to be careful with. Since Mack was also contesting for prom queen, they knew things wouldn’t end well for them. This was because only female students were allowed to contest for Prom Queen and Prom King is for male students only. As a result, couples of the same sex were totally not acceptable. This led to conflict between them as they couldn’t decide whether to come out publicly or not.
You should see me in a crown is a story that talked about friendship, romantic relationships, courage, being different, and standing up for the truth.

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You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson

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